Max Photos #1

Note: Click any picture to see the whole photo. They are rather large for the time being, but they can be printed since they are full resolution. Dad is working a program to take care of this. Note: if you have Internet Explorer, upgrade to version 6 and they will display correctly. (


115-1507_IMG.JPG (528337 bytes) First view at the hospital.
Isn't he the cutest? 116-1642_IMG.JPG (505600 bytes)
116-1652_IMG.JPG (422614 bytes) Yep, no doubt!
Flower child? 116-1614_IMG.JPG (428567 bytes)
115-1568_IMG.JPG (451602 bytes) Mom and Doctor Koffler at the first check up. A-OK!
Just got him home! 115-1533_IMG.JPG (457769 bytes)
115-1525_IMG.JPG (485000 bytes) Da, in car on the way home. Looking a bit tired maybe? Just wait :-)
Proud parents! 115-1562_IMG.JPG (522544 bytes)

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